15C Pro Scientific Calculator App yorumlar

Excellent App and Sci Calc

This is an excellent app and HP 15C Scientific Calculator. I teach AP Calculus BC, and I use it often for my calculations. The user interface is clear and accurate, and the calculations are accurate. Highly recommended.

Great Tool

Works just as good as the original. And as long as I have my phone it is with me and ready to go!

Reliable through four years of use

Same as college days. Reverse Polish notation is the best. If you loved the device, this app is for you.

Stuck in RAD?

g DEG 60 COS I get -.95, the RAD answer. But RAD is not on the display. What am I doing wrong? How do I get to degrees? g DEG does not seem to work. This is my only known question on my beloved 15C app. Thank you!!

Just like college

The HP 15C got me through four years of computer science, physics and electrical engineering. This is the same and it’s programmable just like the 15C. Cool beans.

My 11C finally crashed

I’m so relieved that I can now have my scientific reverse Polish calculator on my phone. So far I’ve not found any problems, it seems familiar like the physical version and I’m very happy.

Works like the old fashioned RPN calc

It even has the sound like an hp calc when you press the keys. Well executed app.

Works exactly like my hardware 15C

This is a great app that works like my hardware version. I used the 15C long before this app existed but find I now log more time on this iPad version. I recommend this app without hesitation.


Found this app and bought immediately. I felt like I found an old friend. Best machine ever for engineering calcs

Works Great...Control Center Coming?

Now my iPhone is complete! Now if I could only add it to the Control Center life world peace would be achieved!

Best 15C app out there

As well as being affordable, this app seems to properly save the state of the calculator, including programs and registers, when the program is stopped or the IPhone rebooted. The free app and HP’s overpriced official version do not, a disqualifying flaw. Who wants to re-enter their programs whenever their device reboots? No flashing display after running a program, a silly uncorrected bug in HP’s app. Plus, this one has a well-done portrait mode and an excellent help that includes the full manual. The key clicks sound good and are switchable from within the app. Haptic feedback capability would be nice. Programs seem to run somewhat slower, but that may be eye candy so the “running” display can be displayed for a second or two during program execution. Feels much like the original. Love it.

Maybe add Haptic

I really like this calculator. It would be nice to have haptic feedback upon key press. This would help knowing that a number is pressed and not double pressed

Please add Programs Storage/Retrieval

This is the best HP 15C emulator. Behaves and feels just like the real one. Anyhow, taking advantage this is an emulator and considering the original 15C could not store/save programs (i.e. you have to retype a full program each time you switch programs)l, PLEASE add programs storage/retrieval capability! This is a must.

Either I use this one or the real 15C

This app is great works just as expected. I love my HP 15Cs. Started using the 15 see you about 25 years ago. I still have it and often use it. The nice thing about this app is I have my 15 C wherever I go. I’m so glad they created this app

Works for me

As is the case with many others, I switched because my old 15C emulator stopped working after an iOS upgrade. This one works for me just fine. I’m very grateful to the developer for keeping the 15C alive.

HP 15C

Works like the original.

Finally fixed bugs

Didn’t work for iPhone X. So annoying. Finally fixed the bug and working great now. Thank you for updating. I was despairing that it would never be fixed after silence for nearly 3 years.

Great HP15C Emulator

Before you buy this app ensure you do research and understand the features, complexities and limitations of the HP15C. This emulator is a faithful rendition of the good old vintage HP15C advanced scientific calculator. Those of us who own or have owned the HP15C will appreciate the convenience of having this on the iPhone as a replacement or backup. Recommended.

Five Stars Again

After the app had stopped to work a while ago due to an iOS update, the developers finally delivered a version that work ms again on the latest release of iOS. This is the 2nd best calculator - the best bring my real HP 15C. If you know how to use the original calculator, you will be able to use this app as well. It behaves just like the real deal. To the developers: Please make sure that the app keeps on working through any future operating system updates.

Latest upgrade,

Finally got it back on my IPad and iPhone. Use it daily in addition to my HP45. Thanks for upgrading the app.

Works Now With iOS v13.3.1!

This is a phenomenal app, and it has just now been updated for iOS 13...bravo! Reverse Polish Notation 4ever!


It took awhile, but I’m so happy to have it back. Works like it should.


This app works just like it should. It used to be that when someone pulled out their 15C in a meeting I suddenly knew they were a compatriot! But five years ago my beloved calculator stopped working, and I even talked to my HP Rep about getting another (after denial cane bargaining) but he assured me they were a thing of the past even for HP employees. Thank goodness they live on in smart phones!

It just works - again!

I write a review a while ago, that this just works, and that’s exactly perfect. This is a great emulation of the venerable hp15c. For quite a while, it would not launch - it would crash on launch. But all is well now. I had several programs I had put into it a while ago, and they are still there and working well!

They Finally Fixed it

it stopped working beginning with ios13. Couldn’t find a better 15C emulator in the meanwhile. Some of the alternatives had reviews indicating wrong results, so I went to the Apple calculator. Low and behold, after many months Vicinno INC caught up with revisions. Damage already done to their star rating though.

11-Apr-20: Latest patch didn’t fix it

11-Apr-20: Latest patch didn’t fix it. Current problem: Begins with just half a calculator - in portrait mode. Switch to “menu” screen appears to bring up the calculator, but accessing the “help” screen, calculator totally locks up, can’t get rid of “help” screen. Bottom line: Still not working. 29-Dec-19: Add my name to the others who have complained that the app stopped working for iOS 13. As of the December update, app wouldn’t work at all.

iOS 13 bug fix is here!!

I have no doubt all your users are pleased to see this 😀


This app has been dead on my iPhone for a long time... I never deleted it because I was so hopeful that the maker would fix the bugs after the iOS updates some time ago. Thank you for fixing it, it’s my favorite HP emulator and works great again.


Thanks for being it back to life!

Favorite 15C Emulator

Have been using for years, it is my favorite 15C Emulator for iOS. Was disappointed when it stopped working entirely after an iOS 13 update. Tried some other emulators again but none are as good as this one was. Thanking the developers for their ongoing development and making a bug fix for this to work again in iOS 13. Salute!!!

YEAH!! App is working again

Back to a rating of 5 stars THANK YOU!!!

Was perfect no longer works on iPad

Please update this app, maybe add a bigs reel feature to iPad. Even if no features are added as long as it works again I will change rating to a 5.

An emulation of a 15c, crashed immediately

This was, WAS, a great application. It crashed immediately after opening. I’ll rate it 5 stars once again if it stays open and useable. Still love it. Works just like a 15c Btw for the other reviewer, RPN calculators don't have an "=" button, they don't need it. Nice calculator works just like a HP.

William Dudley

Downloaded the. 11C and 15c. Neither will open on my iPhone 10 pro. What’s up !! Thanks Bill

Does not work anymore

I have had this app for several years but it does not operate with new iOS.

This app crashes with new iOS 13.3.1

This app keeps crashing on iOS 13.3.

No longer works!!!

Fails to load with iOS-13 Was Great :-/

Won’t open

After iOS 13 update the app will not open, developers non responsive. Don’t waste your money.


Loved my HP15C when I was a tech at LLNL. Had a program for everything you can think of. Thank goodness for RPN. To this day, I can't get through a calculation involving more than 2 numbers with a standard "equal sign" calculator. Well done! Update—crashes upon opening with iOS 13. Bummer!

Doesn’t work anymore

Apparently no longer maintained. Very upset since I used it all the time.

Broken in 13.3?

Used to be my go to calculator...

Nonfunctional DO NOT RECOMMEND

The 15C has worked up until recently. Now when I open program there is a very quick view of what I will call a cover sheet for the app. It goes by too fast to read. Then the app closes. I tried deleting and reinstalling app, but the same problem exists. iOS is up to date. I do not recommend this app.

Calculator won’t open...

No longer usable.

No support

Hasn’t work since new update. Please take off App Store

No longer works

I loved it and used it all the time. Doesn’t look like any work is being done on it. Too bad!

Doesn’t open

Used to work well , unfortunately as of 12/2017 it will not open up when clicked on , a waste of ones $$ when their are others too choose from that don’t give any problems what so ever !!!

Great When It Works

I love the app when it works. A few months ago iOS had and update and now the app wont open w/o crashing. Hoping for an update soon.

Works like my 15C

This app works just like my 15C that I bought decades ago. I'm pleased with this app. Once or twice it has locked up but all I had to do was quit and restart the app. Update (2019) - This app quit working after my iPhone updated to iOS 13. I emailed the developer asking if they were going to make an update so it would work on the new iOS version, but have not received a response. It appears that the app has not been updated in over 3 years. Is it abandoned?

Loved it while it worked

I loved this app, until the iOS update, when it stopped working. After noticing the last update was 3 years ago and not receiving a reply after emailing the developer’s support email twice, I presume the developer has abandoned this app. This was not a cheap app. I expected more from the developer.

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